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Tag: natural language processing

New NLP Projects – Rosette API, Alexa & Co


Long time since I posted but this is the perfect timing 🙂

I am doing another NLP project (after doing a few very interesting data science projects over the past year besides NLP) soon enough, that will fill this blog again.

Easy Reading – Creating a Reader that (hopefully) won't break


Parsing data files is always a little difficult, since you can’t be sure that your data is formatted properly. I mentioned in earlier posts that I am currently creating a Reader for my training data. Here is how I am doing.

Using UIMA Pipelines – A Quick Overview


I am far from creating the best code possible but last week I spent some time writing a half decent Reader for my training data sets. I will write my code in Java, since it’s my most fluent programming language. But first I’ll write some lines about the pipeline.

Developing Tools for Sentiment Analysis in Twitter

Ok, let’s blog! Over the coming weeks, I will explore more practical usage on language technologies. I am participating in a course lead by Prof. Torsten Zesch at the University Duisburg-Essen.

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